Colette Marie ABOWD -- to -- Reid Daniel ANDERSON
Samantha ANDERSON -- to -- Laurine BARNEY
Maxine BARNEY -- to -- Janet Marie BERSIE
Leona Mae BERSIE -- to -- Mary BRONSON
Alec BROWN -- to -- Jansse Ennen BULTHUIS
John BULTHUIS -- to -- Cheryl BUSS
Ernest BUSS -- to -- Margaret CORDWELL
Mary CORDWELL -- to -- Jacomina DE TUYN
Elmerich Willems DE VUST -- to -- Fokje (Fokkje) Lubberts DEJONG
Cornelis DIJKSTRA -- to -- Ariane ENGELBARTS
Amber Lynne ERBES -- to -- Michaela FOGELMAN
Nicole FOGELMAN -- to -- Kathy FURST
Elisabeth Janssen GÄDEKEN -- to -- Everet GOEMAN
George GOEMAN -- to -- Charles Henry GRAVES
Charles Ray GRAVES -- to -- Isaac GRAVES
James Amos GRAVES -- to -- Reuben Houghton GRAVES
Rhonda GRAVES -- to -- James Donald HANSEN
Jami HANSEN -- to -- Hinderk HAYUNGS\HAEJENS
Harnanan HEERALALL -- to -- Maria HINRICHS
Trientje HINRICHS -- to -- Class IKEN
Haye ITZEN -- to -- Engelbart Willm JIBBEN
Ervin JIBBEN -- to -- Emil Reich JR.
UP (Colette Marie ABOWD - John ZLABEK )
NEXT (William Nicholas Straka JR. - John ZLABEK )